Thursday, June 12, 2008

I will kill you Blogger

So I wrote this whole post about my weekend-which was awesome-and somehow Blogger lost it. And I am angry. I suppose the slight possibility exists that it was human error, but I mean really it's not like I'm some idiot who almost cut her thumb off cutting zucchini the other day. Oh wait...

While I effing rewrite my weekend post, please read this article that Sharda sent me about how The Man is RUINING MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES!!!!


Fizzgig said...

Yea, I know. When I see that, I think, that's not strawberry shortcake. What a freakign rip off!
Maybe you shouldn't read this... They did it to Holly Hobby too!!!!!!!! *gasp*!

Anonymous said...

I saw that article, too and it pissed me off. It's not nostalgia if it's reworked into something contemporary looking.

Jason 'Fogges' said...

Does it really take a marketing team and a focus group to give Strawberry Shortcake a cell phone? Fruit forward indeed.

My favorite part of the article is the whole Ken debacle. Mesh shirt and highlights? Did that marketing team ever meet a gay guy? In 1993 no less?