Friday, April 18, 2008

Empty brain

So I know that I have totally sucked at this blog lately. Here's the thing-my poem is not done, and my brain is empty. Diane just called me and said, "You're really slacking on your blog this week." So I asked her to give me a topic. Here's what she came up with: Rock of Love. So I said, "No a real topic." And then she said, "There's a stripper fight on next week's episode." So here's what we've learned: Diane is useless.

You guys, help me. Someone please give me a topic to write about!


Unknown said...

last night's "The Office"

Fizzgig said...

well, next week lost will be back! squeeeeeeeee!

Unknown said...

oh, and Rock of Love is awesome. really.

h.justin said...

Could you do a song post? Maybe the top 20 most played songs on your iPod?

Anonymous said...

The last 6 minutes of The Office.

Gordon said...

I still haven't watched last night's Office, so I'm glad you didn't do that.

You could always make fun of people who have done an even worse job with their blogs, ie: Me, Danielle, etc....

Anonymous said...


...well to talk about Rock of Love, every time my wife says something crass about Bret Michaels I remind her she has a picture of him singing on stage and pointing straight at her while they played at a local bar before they were really big... and a picture of her with Poison at the same show. Don't tell her I told you that though.

Little Bird Lost said...

I agree with The Princess, The Office made me shart this week, DO IT< DO IT!

And p.s., there is an article out about Dooce where she now loses sleep over the pressure to come up with something original every day and carries a notebook around to record the nonsensical goings-on of her life. Get a notebook, the crackberry could be failing you. S'what I had to do, except I forgot to relay said writings to my blog.

Jason 'Fogges' said...

Write about Danielle until she starts blogging again; I mean real private paparazzi type stuff...that should work!