Friday, May 02, 2008


I think my favorite part of The Office last night was when my DVR cut out after 7 minutes. I literally didn't know what to do when it stopped. It was during the scene when Dwight and Andy were in the parking lot and Dwight was trying to buy Andy's car I think. I was still laughing uncontrollably about this line that had just happened:

Michael to Toby: You're so white.

Then it just stopped, and I was frozen in uncertainty about my next step.

Is this really happening? How do I...? What do I...? Someone help me!

But alas there was no help. I saw 7 minutes of The Office. Luckily my sister and Drew are like me and save the episodes so I will be immediately going to their house to watch it. Diane and Drew, if you for some unknown reason deleted this episode, we are no longer family.

P.S. Billboard seen on my way into work today: "Toilet water vs. Ice cubes. Get the dirty details tonight at 6."


Curlatini, Esq. said...

You can watch it online at

Fizzgig said...

So, did said DVR cut out on Lost? cus, im totally shocked you had nothing to say about last nights episode, what the??????? I cried at the beginning I was so happy!

Sarah said...

Mon, I'm 2 weeks behind on Lost. I will be catching up this weekend. I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I'm really you'll post again following the report at 6 - I'm dying to know the dirty details!

Carly said...

I would need an EMT to attend to me if that happened to me... hopefully he would be cute & single...