Tuesday, August 08, 2006

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming...

I need to interrupt the two-parter weekend story to discuss this breaking news...

Is this really an endorsement? It's kind of like when your mom calls the mom of a kid who is bullying you. You know she's just being nice, but really it's just going to cause more problems for you. Like right now Mel's thinking, "Goddammit. Didn't this guy just get drunk and crash a plane a few years ago? This isn't helping, Patrick!" The best part of the article is this line:

"It was unknown what Swayze's endorsement would mean to Gibson's plunging poll numbers, although, in general, ex-Dirty Dancing stars have not been considered vital to the forming of public opinion."


Also, Kevin Arnold had a baby. How. fucking. old. am I. Seriously.


Unknown said...

Poor Patrick Swayze...he used to be hot, too. Now he looks like a bad drag queen.

i am not said...

hold on - is that a picture of kevin arnold with his mom? what is that all about?

Johnny Virgil said...

Yeah really. He looks like ten miles of bad road.

Anonymous said...


That is hilarious. Thanks so much for sharing.

Kaycee said...

I am only upset that he had a baby with someone other than winnie. Bastard.