Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Some random thoughts for today

I would like to say something to senior citizens who go to the movies. I think it's great that you guys are still going out and having fun-honestly. But if you go to see "Batman" and constantly have to ask questions like: Who's the good guy? (the one DRESSED AS A BAT) Who's the bad guy? (the one NOT dressed as a bat) What just happened? (he punched someone in the face) Why? (because he's bad) And then when the movie is over: What happened? and your husband has to explain THE ENTIRE MOVIE to you 5 seconds after it ended, perhaps you should consider going to the matinee showing or maybe just go home and watch "Matlock" because you don't have an inside voice and I can hear you yelling to your husband who's sitting 3 inches away from you and you probably don't even know who you are let alone who Batman is.

Have you ever seen yourself on a store security camera? It is horrifying. You totally think you have a handle on what you look like, and then you see yourself on one of those, and you're like, "Oh my God look at that sloth coming into the st--wait. That's me." Then you kill yourself because you are gross. Maybe that only happens to me.

Tom Cruise, you are not only an insane-o crazy clown of a human being, but you are also an asshole. Note: Googling "psychiatry" doesn't make you a psychiatrist.


Anonymous said...

Wow, you certainly seem to have some pent up rage for Tom Cruise. I think Tom is getting a bad rap and is being put in a bad light because of the way the media is portraying him. Yes, jumping up and down on the couch while on Opera at the age of 40 is a little strange but the guy is in love. Who cares what he does?

And the talk with Matt Lauer...unless you actually saw the whole thing, you are being TOTALLY mislead by the media recounts. They make it sound like Tom started in on his life and his beliefs on his own. Well, if you happened to watch it live, Matt Lauer kept asking him questions about his personal life and provoking him on his personal beliefs. Tom was only answering his questions.

I happen to agree with Tom on a lot of what he says. I'm not saying I agree with everything but I do think the guy is getting a bad rap! Plus, it's his life so if you don't want to hear him talk about it or voice his opinions on things, don't read the articles and don't watch shows with him in it! It's that simple.

Unknown said...

Anonymous, you suck. The advice to not watch TV shows/read articles with Tom Cruise is fine, but impossible. He's everywhere! And, really, he's a crazy mo-fo and I'm tired of him. Shut up.

russ said...

I'm sure AssAnon agrees with these insano things Tommy C Believes:

More Crazy Stuff™ can be found here:

Sarah said...

Anon, I don't like Matt Lauer either. He's a jackass and I hate watching him interview people because he's a jerk for no reason. I'm just saying what kind of arrogance does it take to say "You don't know psychiatry, I do." You are a fucking actor. Act like a normal human being.

I actually really like Tom Cruise. I'm just sick of him and his dangerous claims that medicine doesn't help people with mental illness.

It's all good, Anon-all opinions are welcome here except for ones that are different than mine. :)

Melanie was here said...

I think Tom is a great actor, but I think he is shit as a human being. No offense Tom, or Anon. Hey - maybe Anon is really Tom's AMAZING Katie?

Gordon said...

Agreed. Tom is more than a little dangerous, and more than a little crazy. Also, whoever this clown is that hates you so much, maybe instead of wasting your blog space, he should start his own blog dedicated to people he thinks he's better than. Douchebag.

PS Wanna go get hammered and buy houses?

Unknown said...

Tom's comments about anti-depressants are scary. Listen, AssHat Cruise, when you're teatering on the edge of darkness, no amount of positive thinking is going to bring you back. Little blue pills stamped "Zoloft" will, but positive thinking will only push you over the edge. Looser.

Anonymous said...

Sarah, thanks for being the only logical one to respond to my comment about your blog entry. I respect your opinions and find you blog pretty hilarious but these other people that comment, how old are they? Seriously, grow up people. Name calling? What are you, 5?

Anyways, I was trying to shed some light on the subject from a different perspective since most people seem to be pretty narrow minded when they hear stuff on the news in recaps and the like.

Well, thanks for letting me post here and I'm not the same Anonymous person that hates you, by the way. I just don't have a blogger account.

Sarah said...

I think everyone thinks you are the same Anonymous who hates me and thus all the rage. They are just defending me against the person they thought was saying some bad things about me. Don't be mad!

I understand where you're coming from, and I am seriously not a person who cares what religion a person is. If it makes them happy and it's what they believe, then it's right for them. Period. But when you are so arrogant to start telling other people that the way they live is wrong and that you know more than they do, that's when I have a problem. It is not Tom Cruise's business that Brooke Shields took a drug to help her through depression. How in the world can he possibly tell her she lives her life wrong? It's stupifying. Yes I just said stupifying. And I would say it again in reference to him.

But this does not mean that I will not go see War of the Worlds or Mission Impossible 3 because they are awesome, and Tom Cruise is a kick ass actor. He's just not a kick ass interviewee. And he's seriously short.

Unknown said...

No, Anonymous, I'm not 5, I'm 8.

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't hate me after I write this! I apologize if my comment is too long. It's just something I am passionate about!

First, yes, when I'm caught on camera live at a store I always shock myself once I realize that it IS me and I have NO idea what I really look like. I flee the scene without making any purchases. I bet they lose more sales to scared women than theft.

I want to comment on the meds thing. My opinion is based upon my graduate school training in counseling as well as my internships and brief professional experiences working with mentally ill people (clients, not co-workers. heh) and talking to my friends in the field. I'll keep it brief. Psychotropic meds can save lives. Some people NEED them, but Tom Cruise was right when he said that there are no lab (bloodwork) reports that demonstrate someone has ADD or depression. A diagnosis is based upon a set of behaviors and "global level of functioning." I'm sensitive to this because when I was a kid I would have been diagnosed with ADD and depression and put on meds. I was just very imaginative and bored. My teachers always commented about my excessive daydreaming and inability to stay focused. THANK GOD I wasn't put on Ritalin. My step-brother was and he now has life-long consequences including seizures. It is my personal belief that cognitive-behavioral therapy is best, and meds originally were designed to work in conjunction with talk therapy. Because of greedy insurance companies they will only reimburse most mental health providers for a few sessions and some meds. This whole adult ADD thing is crap. YES, it exists. I have it. What was I just writing about? Oh yeah. But it doesn't mean I need to medicate. I manage it, and many other people can learn to also, without the use of medication. I do feel very strongly that the majority of kids on Ritalin would be better off without them, and that instead the schools and other systems that promote hyperactivity and boredom sould make some fundamental changes.

Anonymous said...

One other thing- I'm not defending Tom Cruise. He really is too short and Scientology reminds me of Kirsty Alley which makes me ill.

Sarah said...

AG - I agree there are tons of kids on Ritalin who shouldn't be. Two of my cousins are on it, and the changes in their lives-for the better-are miraculous. I can't imagine the troubles they would have had without it. They were definitely headed down a path of heartache and now they are confident in themselves and their abilities and are very, very happy young men. Just my personal experience with it.

Anonymous said...

Sarah- definietly, as you see first hand, I know many can benefit! It's the over prescribing that worries me. I think we are agreeing on this.

Sarah said...

That is because we are awesome, AG.

Anonymous said...

You're damn right!

Except on camera.

John said...

Personally I think it's pretty sweet when a jackass gets stuck interviewing a jackass. Lauer wants to be all confrontational constantly and Cruise's crazy ass deserves to be confronted. Idiots.