Monday, August 08, 2005

There are 7 people in this bed

I slept with two different guys this weekend.

Don't worry, Mom, all we did was sleep (prudes). Seriously, though, Put in Bay was amazing-as always. I really have no idea how to explain this weekend so I will let this picture do it for me:

I am never drinking again. At least until, like, Friday.


Rob Seifert said...

This reminds me of why I quit drinking... Have one for me!


Erik Holtan said...

That girl in the blue shorts looks like she is munching on some guy!
Glad you had fun!

Johnny Virgil said...

Damn, that's a pink shirt.

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Yeah, the pink shirt. Unless the guy is from Miami, there's no excuse.

Anonymous said...

Actually pink shirts are in style! At least that is what Banana Republic, Abercrombie, Express, J. Crew, and the like are saying...Most guys aren't comfortable, stylish, or cool enough to pull it off. ROCK ON!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the guy in the pink is DK. Am I right guys? If so, why do I suspect the "Stevie B"

Anonymous said...

Uh, aparently I dont know how to use this innerweb thingy... to finish my comment...

If it is DK, why do I suspect the "Stevie B" is really PK, who is sticking up for his bro, and more importantly, himself since he owns a lot of pink too?

Sarah said...

Actually, Loyd, the guy in pink is PK, not DK. DK did not have a shirt on for like 95% of the trip.

Gordon said...

Also, PK would never say "ROCK ON".


I have no idea where I was when this picture was taken, but I know that I was most definitely not in the pile....

And in no way is that depressing...

Stephanie said...

Girl...don't grow up...I married young and missed out on all that fun! I'd give anything to get it back...course, I am getting divorced now so a lot og good it did me.

Fizzgig said...

what happens in put n bay...stays in put n bay. I've been there, I know the rules! =)always a party!!!!