Friday, February 11, 2005

Free lunch makes Sarah happy

I just want to thank Erik for buying me lunch today. What a very nice and unexpected surprise! You rule, Erik! Thanks for doing your part to keep the Fat Roll happy. He gets really angry when he's hungry, and nobody wants to be around angry Fat Roll. (Yes my fat roll is a 'he'.)


Erik with a K said...

You are totally welcome - thanks for going on a roadtrip with me and being adventurous

John said...

seriously. I eat with the guy every day. I give him my lunch chair. I write to companies on his behalf. I take care of his wife when he's load testing. and this is the thanks I get.

Johnny Virgil said...

Yeah, um, that "taking care of the wife" thing? He'd like you to stop that. Now.

Erik with a K said...

The sad part is, the whole lunch plan was a ruse to get John out and sell him into Chinese slavery, but he foiled it by dissing us and eating with his former boss who he still likes 'that way', apparently...

Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Did you get a brownie?

Erik with a K said...

I can't wait to hear the answer to Jarle...

Anonymous said...

I'll try this one...

Jarle,real women, unlike skinny drug addict models (& Olsen twins) have curves around their waist. When our jeans mysteriously shrink at that crummy cheap drycleaners, the curves that you see just above the waistline of said shrunken jeans, those guys are what she's talking about


John said...

A picture is worth 1000 words even if it's not your native tongue. This should help clear it up.

danielle said...

i think shop dungs might have a future on the web finding literally everything on the internet.